Place of Interest - Bird Watching

Place of Interest
Bird Watching

Welcome to Ranthambore National Park

The Ranthambore National park region is rich in avifauna due to the variety of habitats with abundant sources of avian nourishment. Over 330 of the 1300 species of the Indian subcontinent’s birdlife can be located in the region at different seasons with monsoon and winter being special periods for tourists and nature lovers.

The perfect palaces to watch birds are Padam Talav,, Rajbagh talav, Malik lake, Jhalara & Bagada inside the park. The park has one of the world’s most spectacular heronry which hosts a large number of migratory and resident birds.

There are some great birding spots outside the park and here you can walk around. In fact, some of the best birding areas are on the outskirts of the park.

For bird watchers, Ranthambores specialties are the Nightjars, Indian courser,Woodpeckers, Painted spurfowl, Indian Gray Hornbills, Indian skimmer, quails, larks, pipits,Ibis, prinias and Finches, Kingfishers, Bee Eaters, Cuckoos, Parakeets, Asian Palm Swift, Owl, Nightjars, Pigeon, Dove, Crakes, Snipes, Sandpipers, Gulls, Terns, Great Crested Grebe, Eagles, Darters, Cormorants, Egrets, Herons, Bitterns, Flamingos, Ibis, Pelicans, Storks, Pittas, Shrikes, Treepies, Crows, Orioles, Cuckoo-Shrikes, Minivets, Drongos, Flycatchers, Ioras, Wood Shrikes, Pipits, Bayas, Sparrows, Finches, Wagtails, Munias, Bulbul, Mynas, Falcons etc.

A good time to visit Ranthambore National Park is in November and May when the nature of the dry deciduous forests makes sightings common. Its deciduous forests were once a part of the magnificent jungles of Central India.

The present list covers 320 species and their names in englsih & latin languages.

Places For Bird Watching

Birding at Surwal lake

Surwal Lake is 22 kilometres far away from the park . It is a seasonal lake located between acres of agricultural fields, it is a good place to different species of migratory birds in winters Flamingos.

Painted Storks, Spoonbills, Sarus & Demoiselle Greylag Geese and Cranes can be seen in large numbers between November and March.

Early in the morning is the perfect time for birds watching before the Sun rising.

Welcome to Ranthambore National Park

The Surwal Lake usually dries out by April-May. It is a place where you can have a look for village life.

Welcome to Ranthambore National Park
Birding at Mansarovar Lake

It is 20 kilometres from Ranthambore national park. Mansarovar Lake is the largest lake in the area; it lies at the southern edge of the park. It is a paradise for bird watching in winter time and you can have a chance to see Pintail ducks, Pelicans, Geese and Herons in large number. It is good place for walking too.

Birding at Amlideh (Banas river)

It is 40 kilometres from Ranthambore National Park sawai madhopur .Amlideh is situated on the banks of the Banas. It is a very quiet and good spot for birding, the best place for Indian skimmers and River lapwings. Here, you can enjoy Candle Night Dinner, Boating, and Village Tour & Camel Cart Riding.

Welcome to Ranthambore National Park
Welcome to Ranthambore National Park
Misradhara gate to the base of the Ranthambore Fort

The base of the fort is a very good place for bird watching and you can see Parakeets, Doves, Flycatchers, Peacocks etc, along with a large horde of monkeys. This is also the best place to see the Painted Spurfowl.

The walk from Misradhara to the fort can net you more than 50 species in slightly over two hours.

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